Our installment this week was the final episode of the iconic series, Escape! “The Heart of Kali” features a down-on-his-luck veteran desperate to return to India to recover a temple’s treasure. But to do so, he must sink to the depths of human brutality. How far will he go to claim his prize? What fate awaits him inside the temple? Will this break our hearts like the final episode of Suspense did? Listen for yourself and find out!
It's our Patreon drive month and part of the celebration is listening to all five parts of "The McCormick Matter" from Yours Truly Johnny...
We keep surpassing Patreon goals! This week, we are cerebrating with episodes featuring the beginning and end of Suspense! For the first part, we...
Jimmy Stewart stars in “Mission Completed,” an episode of Suspense about a veteran whose experiences in a Japanese POW camp left him paralyzed. When...