Our Mysterious Listener Todd has directed us to the more contemporary areas of the Listener Library, recommending “Tissue Memory” from the BBC’s Fear on Four! Thanks, Todd! This story, written by Judy Upton, features a young woman named Anna who begins to have visions of another life after receiving a donor heart. These visions seem to connect her with the fate of the heart's former owner. Will Anna reject her own heart? Who is the real owner of this heart? What is the ideal diet to prepare for a heart transplant? Listen for yourself and find out!
Your hosts are taking the weekend off to celebrate July 4th, but we do have a treat for you! We’ve been performing live radio...
Old Nancy from The Witch’s Tale provides the Society with this week’s episode, The Devil Doctor! The Witch’s Tale was the first horror series...
This week we feature another episode from our Listener Library, this time a story entitled “Hands of Death” from The Sealed Book, recommended to...