“In Flanders Fields” is an unusual episode of The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, featuring older versions of Holmes and Watson visiting the front lines of World War I! On the eve of a major offensive, a theatrical presentation has been planned to entertain the troops. But something sinister is waiting in the wings, a mystery that could only be solved by the keen mind of Sherlock Holmes! What secret brought the great detective to the field of battle? Who is shooting at him? What Jack Benny film inspired Joshua to choose this episode? Listen for yourself and find out
After a long stretch of recording remotely, we finally assembled in the same room for this week’s episode! It features a story entitled “Cat's...
William Conrad stars in this episode of Dark Venture entitled "Hideout!" The story features a fugitive, wanted by both the police and criminals after...
We're listening to another episode of Escape featuring Vincent Price! This time it’s “Present Tense,” the story of a man on the way to...