This episode of Inner Sanctum Mystery, “The Shadow of Death,” tells the story of a man who believes that his dreams foretell death in the real world! Is this young man suffering from a delusion or is something supernatural killing those around him? Just how many twists does this plot have? Are we getting a glimpse of Mary the Lipton Tea Lady’s dark side? Listen for yourself and find out! (This week again, we’re encouraging folks to pay a visit to for a fascinating history of radio drama!)
This week, our visit to the Listener Library brings us an episode of Lights Out, “Come to the Bank,” recommended to us by our...
The Society has wandered into the creepy forest known as Dark Fantasy and come face to face with…The Demon Tree! In this story, a...
Inspired by the true story of serial killer H.H. Holmes, Lights Out presents the Society with a production entitled “Murder Castle!” A series of...