Despite Joshua’s illness, we’re making another trip to the Listener Library! This time we’re checking out an episode of The Mysterious Traveler, recommended to us by both Jeffery and Paul! Thanks to you both! This story, entitled “S.O.S.,” features three men who have been cast adrift recalling their supposedly fool-proof crime! What could have possibly gone wrong during the theft of diamonds aboard a ship? Who are the real masterminds behind this trickery? Do professional podcasters such as ourselves ever make mistakes? Listen for yourself and find out!
It’s Christmas and we’re celebrating the things we love, and that includes classic holiday episodes from great radio series such as CBS Radio Mystery...
This sci-fi themed episode of Quiet Please was recommended to us by our Patreon supporter Lance. Thanks, Lance! Appropriate to the story’s title, “The...
We have one more episode dedicated to saying thanks to our listeners! This time we are joined by Brent, a Patreon supporter at the...