This week, The Mysterious Traveler left the Society squirming with a disturbing tale entitled “The Good Die Young.” A malevolent child takes her jealous attempts to sabotage her new mother to dangerous extremes. Will the girl’s father see what’s happening before it’s too late? How old does a person have to be to use the word “shan’t”? Why would anyone keep carbolic acid in their medicine cabinet? Listen for yourself and find out!
Happy New Year! As has become our annual tradition, we are listening to yet another adaptations of Charles Dickens’ other famous ghost story, “The...
Gentle listeners, please join us as we fondly recall the best episodes of 2020 and ruefully regret the worst! Based on listener polls, the...
Once again, it’s later than the we think and we are listening to Lights Out! This time, we indulge in “Revolt of the Worms,”...