This week is our first encounter with Philo Vance, the radio series based on the iconic detective created by S. S. Van Dine. In this episode, “The Cheesecake Murder Case,” the police think a deadly crime has already been solved, but Vance suspects the murderous thief is still on the loose! What details of the investigation are the source of Vance’s suspicion? What happens when you pair an old-fashioned detective with a present-day detective structure? Has this episode left room for dessert? Listen for yourself and find out!
We've collected quite a backlog of Suspense episodes recommended to us by our mysterious listeners, so it's time for a Suspense-o-rama! We begin with...
Join the Society for a dark, cold night spent with BBC’s Fear on Four story entitled “The Horn”! It’s not the Golden Age of...
It’s another week of catching up on our Listener Library! This time, thanks to a recommendation from Holly, we are listening to “The Thing...