Witchcraft and intrigue combine for a one-of-a-kind tale from the classic series, Escape! A medieval scholar has been targeted by a deadly curse, leaving him with only three months to find a solution and save his own life. How scary can a story about passing notes and falling out of trees actually be? Is this an appropriate response to critical feedback? Is it really that easy to send the Society into screaming fits of hysterical panic? Listen for yourself and find out!
We're returning to the Weird Circle for an episode entitled "The Doll," an adaptation of Fitz-James O'Brien's short story, "The Wondersmith." The story begins...
We’re revisiting the Australian series, The Key, about which not much is known. This episode, “Showgirl Murdered,” tells the story of a man seemingly...
There’s been a murder and we’re joining San Francisco P.I. Candy Matson to find the solution to “The Cable Car Case!” When a shopping...