This week, we’re down at the Hermit’s Cave listening to the story of The Nameless! An anonymous corpse appears to have been the victim of a perfect murder, but the dead man will have his vengeance! Would you be willing to kill for a Wilgen Unit? Can you listen to this weeeeeird story and not think of the Beatles? What can Eric do with slippery, slimy gopher guts? Listen for yourself and find out!
This time we've been sent down to the Listener Library by a particularly mysterious listener, an individual known only as "S." Thanks, S! The...
We’ve been compelled to revisit Obsession! This time for a story entitled “Shadow of Huntley House” (also known as “On the Wild Seas”), a...
Our Patreon supporter James suggested that we listen to “The Blind Beggar Dies” from The Shadow! In this story, the enigmatic vigilante seeks justice...