We're returning to the Weird Circle for an episode entitled "The Doll," an adaptation of Fitz-James O'Brien's short story, "The Wondersmith." The story begins with the creator of an ingenious doll confessing to the murder of a fortune teller. And it only gets stranger from there. What criminal plot first brought the two of them together? What arcane secret makes this doll so special? Would a reading of the original story be the perfect Christmas Eve tradition? Listen for yourself and find out!
Guy de Maupassant’s classic short story was adapted by Mystery in the Air for this week’s episode, “The Horla!” Peter Lorre stars in this...
This week we feature another episode from our Listener Library, this time a story entitled “Hands of Death” from The Sealed Book, recommended to...
We are still celebrating the new year by listening to “Rain on New Year’s Eve,” an episode of Quiet, Please that was probably inspired...