This episode of Crime Classics features a tale of the Old West, told in a style that blends tragedy, wry comedy, and historic documentary. "Death of a Picture Hanger" is a series of a surprising vignettes that lead to the inevitable. Who is the picture hanger mentioned in the title? How should one keep track of one's bath schedule? What was that thing we couldn't remember? Listen for yourself and find out!
This month marks 100 years since the birth of actor/writer/director/ producer Antony Ellis! Our listener Mark suggested we celebrate Ellis’ remarkable career and we...
Gentle listeners, please join us as we fondly recall the best episodes of 2020 and ruefully regret the worst! Based on listener polls, the...
Join us for “A World of Darkness” from Suspense! We’re continuing to pull episodes from our Listener Library and this story was recommended to...