For this episode, we are joined by our esteemed Patreon supporter, Atticus! Atticus has brought us an episode of CBS Radio Workshop, "A Pride of Carrots!" Written and narrated by the novelist Robert Nathan, the story concerns the first astronauts to reach Venus and the fantastical creatures they find there. Will the Earthmen be able to escape the absurd machinations of the Venusians? Does the political satire still hold up after all this time? Did Atticus just sneak an episode of Rocky and Bullwinkle into our podcast? Listen for yourself and find out!
Our apologies for running late with this episode, but we're launching ourselves into the Halloween season with this adaptation of a classic M. R....
Our thanks to our Patreon supporter, Lance, who suggested this week’s episode, “Little Old Lady” from Lights Out! Thanks, Lance! The story features a...
It’s been a while, but this week brings us The Haunting Hour once again! In “The Hands of Mr. Smith,” a pair of criminals...