This month includes Orson Welles’ birthday and we celebrate with this episode of The Lives of Harry Lime! The series chronicles the adventures of the notorious rogue before his famous appearance in the classic film, The Third Man. In this story, entitled “Ticket to Tangier,” Lime answers an enigmatic message inviting him to Tangier. This exotic locale provides the perfect backdrop for a tale of whirlwind romance and cunning deceits! Can Lime turn this mysterious situation to his advantage? Which version of Lime will show up for this episode, impish prankster or charming sociopath? Is this too much zither or just the right amount? Listen for yourself and find out!
As a reward for meeting our Patreon goal (thank you to all our supporters!), we are dedicating this entire week to Yours Truly Johnny...
Our long-time listener David recommended that we check out “Short Order,” another all-star episode of Suspense! Thanks, David! The owner of a small but...
We are joined by our Patreon subscriber Ryan as we continue to express our gratitude for our most generous supporters! Ryan has brought us...