On June 26, 2022 we performed our own version of "Battle of the Magicians" from Lights Out on stage at Park Square Theatre! Our Patreon members have access to video recordings of all of our performances as part of their subscription, and we're sharing this audio recording as a sample of the benefits of supporting us. "Battle of the Magicians" features a mysterious occult figure known as Saladin who fights to save an airline from the mystic machinations of the villain known as Ehrlich. Would you like to hear more of our recreations of classic radio episodes? (Not to mention our own original audio dramas?) Please consider joining the amazing community of MORLS fans whose support keeps this podcast going!
Our Patreon drive month continues with part 2 of “The McCormick Matter,” from our week-long journey into Yours Truly Johnny Dollar! This is the...
It’s not just any episode of Lights Out this week, it’s a recreation of one of Wyllis Cooper’s scripts from the earliest days of...
Not only is this the conclusion of our Suspense-o-rama, a whole bunch of episodes from the classic series, it’s also our 200th episode! We...