There’s no better way to celebrate a winter wonderland than listening to “The Snowman Killing” from Fear on Four! This intense tale of suburban horror features a chilling performance by Imelda Staunton. (And at no point in the discussion afterwards do we identify her as the actress who played Dolores Jane Umbridge in the Harry Potter films!) Is this mother of twins truly facing some supernatural disturbance or is she just married to a yuppie? Why are her children obsessed with a snowman that doesn’t seem to really exist? Does Eric own the DVD of Schindler’s List? Listen for yourself and find out!
Once again, it’s later than the we think and we are listening to Lights Out! This time, we indulge in “Revolt of the Worms,”...
It’s another trip to our Listener Library! This time we’re checking out “First Contact” from X Minus One, recommended to us by our Patreon...
It’s time for another thrilling adventure of The Shadow! This time we’re listening to “The Night Marauders,” in which a series of home invasions...