Put your seats in the upright and locked position because the Society is ready to take off with this week’s installment, an episode of Dark Fantasy entitle “Spawn of the Sub Human!” A famed singer finds her flight haunted by memories of the past. Her ultimate destination will prove to be completely unexpected. Is her journey a powerful metaphor for anxiety? Is this episode more bizarre than Northern Lights? Has the mind’s innate obedience ever been more ridiculous? Listen for yourself and find out!
This week, we take a gamble on a new-to-us series, Diary of Fate! “David Dexter” is the story of a grifter trying to con...
Our thanks to our Patreon supporter Jules for suggesting this episode of Lights Out, "Subbasement!" The story features a husband grudgingly granting his wife...
Wyllis Cooper and Ernest Chappell have invited the Society down to “Beezer’s Cellar” for this story from the celebrated series Quiet, Please. Three thieves...