It’s Valentine’s Day and we celebrate by welcoming Eric’s wife, Shanan Custer, as our special guest! She’s brought us a Lucille Fletcher-penned episode of Suspense entitled “Dark Journey!” A young woman claims that she can manipulate people and events by the sheer power of her will. Does she truly possess such supernatural powers? Who is truly to blame for the consequences that ensue? Sasquatch, why haven’t you called? Listen for yourself and find out! (During this episode we mention a couple links that we encourage you to check out: and Have a look!)
Horror icon Boris Karloff made a handful of appearances on Lights Out and this week, we’re listening to a peculiar example, “The Dream!” Templeton...
It’s time once again for our annual holiday trip to the danger light by the rails! For the third year, we are listening to...
Our 350th episode celebration continues with a live Q&A at the Bryant-Lake Bowl! Special guest Shanan Custer interviews your Mysterious Old Hosts to find...