The holiday season is over and the Society is back with an episode from our Listener Library. Our thanks to Dee for suggesting “If You Believe,” a strange story told by The Mysterious Traveler! A disreputable reporter publishes the story of a disgraced scientist’s efforts to create life from protoplasm. Is it easier to believe something cynical rather than something hopeful? Can the themes of these stories return to immediate relevance? Is there a dignified way to talk about the Mysterious Traveler’s organ? Listen for yourself and find out!
For this week’s trip to the Listener Library, one of our Patreon supporters sent us to Mars! Thanks, Mark! We’re listening to Escape’s adaptation...
This week we’re listening to “The Black Door” from Suspense, yet another installment in our ongoing Lockdown Listener Series. Thanks to our mysterious listener...
Our Listener Library series is being put on hold this week because the Society is celebrating the birthday of H.P. Lovecraft by listening to...