This week, the Society is listening to the nightmarish sound of “The Screaming Skull” from the enigmatic series, Theater 10:30. This adaptation of Francis Marion Crawford’s short story tells the tale of a husband and wife whose deaths leave behind a mysterious skull and a blood-chilling legend. Is that screaming sound just the wind? Can a dinner conversation go so badly that it leads to a lifetime of guilt? Are we really wanting people to watch Mystery Science Theater 3000 at the witching hour? Listen for yourself and find out!
Welcome to our fourth installment of our Suspense-o-rama, a whole bunch of episodes from the classic series that were recommended by our listeners! This...
This is our second installment in Monsters on the Air, a series of monster-themed episodes to celebrate the Halloween season! This time we're listening...
As a reward for meeting our Patreon goal (thank you to all our supporters!), we are dedicating this entire week to Yours Truly Johnny...