We return to Escape for "Conqueror's Isle," an adaptation of the short story by Nelson Bond! The story features a Navy pilot who, after a three year absence, returns with a strange tale of landing on an island inhabited by a group that seems superior to humanity in almost every way. What ultimate goal is this group of superior beings pursuing? What does the pilot believe to be their one weakness? Will Tim get both a comic book reference and a Lovecraft reference in the post-show discussion? Listen for yourself and find out!
We continue to delve into our Listener Library, this time featuring an episode of Suspense entitled “The Devil’s Saint” by John Dickson Carr! The...
This week, we listen to an episode of Obsession entitled “The Silver Cord,” in which a young woman longs to leave home. But an...
Joshua has brought another episode of Frontier Gentleman hoping that it receives a warmer reception than his first try! This episode, entitled "Powder River...