Join us this week for an adaptation of Ray Bradbury's short story, "Kaleidoscope," presented by Suspense! A group of astronauts suddenly find themselves in a hopeless situation, one that forces them to confront how they've lived their lives. Some are content, others bitter. But does any of that matter when facing death? Are we all just floating through life, isolated and scared? Are we going to listen to every different adaptation of this story ever recorded? Listen for yourself and find out!
We're listening to our first episode of Sears Radio Theater, "Milwaukee Deep," one of the show's Friday night installments, featuring tales of high adventure!...
We’re listening to “The Lottery,” an adaptation of Shirley Jackson’s famous tale of a village’s distinctive annual tradition presented by NBC Presents: Short Story....
February is the perfect time to share some love, and we’re sharing our love of Boris Karloff! Join us for “The Hunt” from Creeps...