Our thanks to our Mysterious Listener Paul for recommending this adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Ring of Thoth" from Escape! Thanks, Paul! Inside the Louvre, an old Egyptian man tells the story of a near-immortal priest. To this day, the priest searches the world for a ring that will grant him his heart's fondest wish! What secret lies hidden within this ring? How much does this early mummy tale resemble the stories that were to follow? Was that Jack Webb? Listen for yourself and find out!
This week we’re listening to a very modern adaptation of a classic story of sci-fi and horror, “Who Goes There?” from the BBC series,...
This week the Society is entertained by The Hostess! The classic sci-fi series X Minus One presents Isaac Asimov’s chilling tale of alien etiquette...
On June 26, 2022 we performed our own version of "Battle of the Magicians" from Lights Out on stage at Park Square Theatre! Our...