Not much is known about The Key, the Australian series that produced this week's episode, “The Ghost!” The story features a puzzle master who is called upon to solve the mystery of a strange spirit haunting two elderly women. But he soon discovers that the supernatural details defy all rational explanation! (Note that the recording that your Mysterious Old Hosts listened to was of relatively poor quality, but the version we included here was cleaned up by Eric.) Will puzzle-solving skills be enough to solve this mystery? Can any of the other people who seem to just lurk in the house be responsible? Does Tim know that he’s still missing both “U” and “Z”? Listen for yourself and find out!
(UPDATE! As one of our listeners astutely pointed out in the comments: “This episode is actually from the Australian run of the series, not...
Our mysterious listener (and Patreon supporter and artist) Tim sent us down to the Listener Library for an episode of Nightfall entitled, "Gerald"! Thanks,...
This is the second of two episodes recorded live in front of an audience at Open Eye Theatre, featuring special guest, Shanan Custer! Our...