Apologies for running a little late, but we are back with an episode recommended to us by our mysterious listener, Swearoh! Thanks, Swearoh! This week, we are listening to “The Wig Makers of Doom Street,” from The Shadow! A ghoulish couple is killing young women to harvest their victims’ hair for theatrical wigs! Can Lamont and Margo put an end to this diabolical business plan? Is this a crime that we could make pay? Is that ad saying that education is a good thing or bad thing? Listen for yourself and find out!
The Weird Circle brought a little something to our holiday party, the supernatural tale of a Christmas descent into desperation with a man named...
Not only is this the conclusion of our Suspense-o-rama, a whole bunch of episodes from the classic series, it’s also our 200th episode! We...
This week, The Shadow takes a trip to “The Village of Doom,” and we’re going with him! A small town reaches out to the...