Episode 175: The Big Ruling

Episode 175 April 22, 2020 00:58:00
Episode 175: The Big Ruling
The Mysterious Old Radio Listening Society
Episode 175: The Big Ruling

Apr 22 2020 | 00:58:00


Show Notes

April 2nd would have been the late Jack Webb’s 100th birthday! Our mysterious listener Mark recommended that we celebrate the occasion and by happy coincidence, our mysterious listener Tim recommended that we listen to “The Big Ruling” from Webb’s signature series, Dragnet! This particular episode depicts an investigation of a heroin ring and evidence that law enforcement is no longer what it once was! Will an informant provide enough details to catch and convict the narcotics dealer? Do you find the casual banter between officers to be authenticating or extraneous? Why would Joe Friday need a new suit? Listen for yourself and find out!

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