It was a dark and stormy night when your hosts retrieved this episode of The Weird Circle from their Listener Library, recommended to them by Jill. Thanks. Jill! “The House and the Brain,” is an adaptation of a story by Edward Bulwer-Lytton and it features a couple whose interest in a sinister-looking portrait leads them to a house haunted by ghosts. Or is it actually a story about an immortal hypnotist? Or is it a Nick-and-Nora-like farcical mystery? Is it just a story about a guy yelling at his dog? Listen for yourself and find out!
This week we're listening to "The House of Death," an episode of The Mysterious Traveler recommended to us by to esteemed Patreon supporter, Patricia!...
Our thanks to Flannery, one our Mysterious Listeners who recommended this week’s Listener Library episode, “I Saw Myself Running,” from Escape! A young woman's...
Our thanks to our mysterious listener Jessica for sending us back to our Listener Library for "Never Pester Chester" from Gunsmoke! This episode features...