Jimmy Stewart stars in “Mission Completed,” an episode of Suspense about a veteran whose experiences in a Japanese POW camp left him paralyzed. When he sees the face of his former captor working across the street, his strength begins to return. Will he get the revenge he has longed for? Can he keep his newfound health a secret? What does Admiral Ackbar think of Colt 45? Listen for yourself and find out!
This week we are listening to another episode of the Canadian series, Nightfall! Our thanks to Ashley for recommending “Assassin Game” to us! Saul...
Our thanks to Scott for this week’s visit to the Listener Library! Scott recommended an episode of Suspense entitled, “Fugue in C Minor!” Vincent...
We’ve been listening to a lot of Lucille Fletcher-penned stories lately, and this week we check out an episode she wrote for The Clock,...