We’re listening to “The Lottery,” an adaptation of Shirley Jackson’s famous tale of a village’s distinctive annual tradition presented by NBC Presents: Short Story. In this classic parable, all the families in town gather together to draw lots as part of a time-honored celebration to guarantee a bountiful harvest. Which family will draw the paper with the black spot? How does this adaptation compare to the original text? Was this podcast better back when we used wood chips? Listen for yourself and find out!
The celebration of our fourth anniversary continues with Joshua’s present for Tim, a specially chosen episode of Vanishing Point, “Death and the Compass!” In...
This week Murder by Experts is back with an episode called “I Dreamt I Died!” A wife wakes up in the middle of the...
Happy New Year’s Eve! It’s that heartwarming time of year when we gather around the tunnel and try to discern the ghostly message being...